
Reflections About a Letter to an Inner Child “A powerful counselling intervention to understand parts of self”

Reflections about a letter to an inner child  “A powerful counselling intervention to understand parts of self.” The concept of writing a letter to your inner child as a therapeutic intervention comes from various therapeutic approaches, including inner child work and parts work. These approaches are often used in psychodynamic, Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy, psychodrama, and trauma-focused […]

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“Not Seen Not Heard” – Annual Report Article 2022-23

“Not Seen Not Heard” Child sexual abuse is an abhorrent trauma to suffer and so it is understandable mental health treatment services concentrate efforts to distance and desensitize the traumatic events but what many Phoenix clients are reporting and backed by neurological research is that attachment wounds are the more determinant factor of dissociation and […]

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Launch of national child safety campaign – One Talk at a Time

To help prevent child sexual abuse, the Australian Government has launched ‘One Talk at a Time’. The campaign encourages adults to learn about the issue and have ongoing, proactive, preventative conversations with children, young people and other adults. Conversations have the power to prevent child sexual abuse. You don’t need to be an expert on […]

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