Client Privacy and Confidentiality
Phoenix is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of clients. The Association will ensure that all client information is collected, stored and used in accordance with statutory obligations and best practice standards.
Ensuring Client Privacy
Phoenix treats all client information as strictly confidential in line with its Client Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.
Collecting Information
Phoenix will only ask you for information relevant to the services you require. No information will be sought from other agencies you are dealing with, without your written consent.
Sharing Information
Individual Phoenix counsellors may discuss information you provide with clinical supervisors for the purpose of providing a better service. Supervisors are bound by the same professional rules of confidentiality that apply to counsellors.
When clients are receiving services from a number of agencies it may be desirable to share client information. In such cases, your information will only be disclosed by Phoenix to these agencies if you have provided written consent.
Non-identifiable information provided by Phoenix clients may be collated and forwarded to Phoenix’s funding body for statistical purposes or used for research.
Accuracy of Information
Phoenix seeks to maintain accurate records. If you consider your file to have inaccuracies, Phoenix can amend your file or note your concern.
Storage of Client Information
All your information is kept in a secure manner and only authorised staff can have access to that information.
All client notes, files, databases and other forms of information remain at all times the property of Phoenix. Your file remains the property of Phoenix after cessation of contact. In general, Phoenix will keep your file for 7 years and it will then be shredded. Only the Initial Inquiry form, Client Registration form or Contact Summary will be kept past this time. Clients may request (in writing) that their files be shredded after terminating contact with Phoenix prior to 7 years, however, some records would need to be kept for audit purposes and professional indemnity. Clients may also request that their files are kept longer than the 7 year period.
Client access to their own Information
Clients may access their records under Freedom of Information principles. Applications should be made in writing to the Phoenix Executive Officer.
If you have any grievance about your privacy and confidentiality you may contact the Phoenix Executive Officer and they will promptly investigate this.
Exceptions to Confidentiality
No information will be disclosed to any parties except under the following circumstances:
- Written client consent
- Compulsion of law (e.g. subpoenas, warrants)
- Circumstances where there is actual or threatened risk to life or health. This typically relates to adults and children in danger of imminent self-harm or of harming others.
If you would like to read the full policy please click on link below

Client Rights and Responsibilities
As a Phoenix client you have the right to:
- Be treated with respect and courtesy in all your contact with Phoenix
- Have your information held securely
- Request access to the information in your file. Conditions for granting access are outlined in Phoenix policy which is available at your request.
- Have your cultural and spiritual background taken into consideration in the services we provide
- Be transferred to another counsellor if you are not comfortable with your current counsellor
- Provide feedback and express any concerns or grievances about our services without retribution
- Self determination
- Terminate your contact with Phoenix at any time
As a Phoenix client you have the responsibility to:
- Cooperate in the therapeutic process
- Arrive promptly for your appointments
- Provide at least 48 hours’ notice if you need to cancel an appointment
- Advise us of any medications you are taking that may reduce your ability to use our services
- Attend sessions free from the influences of alcohol or substances that impair your ability to function
- Advise us of any risk issues that may impact on the counselling process
- Advise us of other agencies involved in your care/support so that, where appropriate and with your consent, we can liaise with them to ensure that the services we provide are of maximum benefit to you.
When you become a client at Phoenix, there are a number of links that may be helpful, including: