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We have compiled a list of resources that may be helpful to you. Below are a list of helpful website links and publications that may be of assistance.

See the listed Australian websites for helpful resources.

Information about child sexual abuse

    Australian Institute of Family Studies. National Child Protection Clearinghouse. Information on child abuse and child protection
    For survivors of childhood abuse. Information and other resources
    Information about sexual, domestic and family violence, information for survivors of child sexual abuse

Some relevant WA Government Agencies

Child protection on the internet
Information to manage the internet safety

Umibot allows victims of image-based abuse to chat with AI and learn about available options and best supports in Australia

Stop NCII is a service for adults under the name Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image abuse, to help remove intimate online images

Take it Down is a free service to help people under 18 years of age remove explicit online images of themselves


Safe4Kids specialise in child abuse prevention education, protective behaviours, and body safety.

A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents (

  • What is cyberbullying? What can parents do about it? How to care for a cyberbullying victim and other resources

Online Safety – Phoenix

Hand holding book on a shelf

See the listed books that may be of interest.


Shane, E. (2022) Behind the Mask.  Elizabeth Shane is raising awareness of the impact of child sexual abuse into adulthood, through her new poetry book ‘Behind the Mask’.  By sharing her experience, she hopes to offers insight and a deeper understanding into past trauma and how this presents itself in everyday life. Website Link:

Tame, G (2022) The Ninth Life of a Diamond Miner: A Memoir Grace Tame is an Australian activist and advocate for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. She was named 2021 Australian of the Year.

Baker, H (2014)  Dealing with Sexual Abuse: A Young Australian’s Insights Hannah draws upon her teenage diaries to provide rare insights into the experience of child abuse.

Baker, H (2014)  Hannah’s Diaries: Surviving abuse Appropriate for teenagers and young people who are strong readers, Hannah shares her real life teenage diaries to help other young people.

Baker, H (2014)  Hannah’s Hope:  How I Dealt with Abuse This book is aimed at teenagers who prefer a shorter book or kids aged 10 and over, best suited to those who have been abused and who are being supported by a trained professional or understanding carer.

Wilson, S. D. (2002). Released From Shame: Moving Beyond The Pain of the Past. Revised Edition: InterVarsity Press. This book takes a Judeo-Christian tack to include spiritual recovery as a pathway to reduced self-hatred. Useful to people who understand the concepts.

O’Hanlon, B., & Bertolino, B. (1998). Even From a Broken Web: Brief, Respectful Solution-Focussed Therapy for Sexual Abuse and Trauma. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Outlines a process of recovery utilising client strengths and goals – similar to reconstruction of a dominant narrative. Includes ‘containment’ material and acceptance of self ‘as-is’. Useful and to the point.

Van Raay, C. (2006). Reclaiming Your Feminine Innocence. A Book for Women Overcoming the Effects of Abuse. Optima Digital Print: Carla Van Raay. This is workbook that takes another spiritual tack to recovery that incorporates a body awareness component. Those familiar with ‘the work’ of Byron Katie will appreciate this approach.

Herman J. L. (1998, 2001). Trauma & Recovery – from domestic abuse to political terror. Pandora. A classic book about traumatic disorders and stages of recovery – healing relationship, safety, remembrance, reconnection and commonality.

Haines S. (1999). The Survivor’s Guide to Sex. Cleis Press. U.S. How to have an empowered sex life after child sexual abuse.

Huges D. R. & Revell F. H. (1998). Kids Online – Protecting your Children in Cyberspace. A simple book about being cyber-aware as parents, Internet pornography and use of computer tools to protect children from such material.

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